Ezekiel bread

3 Major Differences Between Ezekiel Bread vs. Whole Wheat Bread

Every time you eat bread, you have the opportunity to positively or negatively influence your health. This is why you must think carefully about the quality of bread you are consuming. White bread has very little nutritional value and often leads to high blood sugar spikes and weight gain. Many people think whole wheat bread is the healthiest alternative to white bread because it contains whole grain and fiber. However, when comparing Ezekiel bread vs. whole wheat bread, Ezekiel bread is a far healthier food for you and here’s why:

  1. Ezekiel Bread Has 6x More Grains and Legumes

    While most wheat breads contain one grain, Ezekiel Bread has six sprouted whole grains and legumes. Why are more grains better? The combination of grains and legumes in Ezekiel bread makes the protein available in this bread a “complete protein” meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids that you must get from your diet. By combining multiple grains and legumes, your bread becomes power packed with nutrients that you would not get from using only one grain. 

  2. Ezekiel Bread Has Sprouted Grains

    Whole wheat bread takes the grains and mashes them. Ezekiel bread takes the grains and sprouts them. Sprouting grains breaks down the grain, releasing enzymes that allow for maximum vitamin and mineral absorption, as well as more efficient assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. Grains in whole grain bread are merely ground into flour. This means that the bread will still require digestive enzymes to break it down after consumption, preventing the body from fully benefiting from the nutrient value of the grain. Sprouted grains give Ezekiel bread far more nutritional value than whole wheat bread. Ezekiel bread has more protein, more fiber, and lower glycemic index for those who want to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day.

  3. Ezekiel Bread Has No Preservatives or  Cultured Wheat Starch

    Most whole wheat breads have preservatives like cultured wheat starch that are acidic and make it harder for your body to fight diseases. Ezekiel bread has no preservatives and no cultured wheat starch. It is as fresh and pure as bread gets. Like all of Food For Life’s products ingredient, the list on Ezekiel bread food label is very simple and easy to read. This is a transparent product with immense nutritional benefits.

See full recipe here

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